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Hackney Removal Companies exceeded my expectations, I'll use them again. Great communication, punctuality, and a friendly driver. Five stars!    
Kyron F.
The team did a magnificent job. They made the move as smooth as possible. Very appreciative of their assistance. Best movers I've ever had! Would highly recommend.    
Alberto Bunting
I always use Hackney Moving Company for my transport needs because of their courteous, timely, and professional service. They are consistently responsive and punctual.    
L. Dennis
The movers were exceptional! They did an outstanding job.    
Easton Ruth
The employees at Hackney Removal Companies were top-notch.    
Aman Davila
Our move would have been much more stressful without the help of these quick-thinking professionals.     
Ashlyn Gatlin
Removals Hackney exceeded our expectations with their efficient moving services.    
Hattie Witt
The movers' level of professionalism was evident as they handled all aspects of our relocation flawlessly within 24 hours.    
Sienna Furman
Efficient at moving! Assisted me quickly and precisely!    
Tianna C.
Their amiable personalities and fast pace made for a smooth experience.    
Johnna Aldridge

Creating a Moving Day Checklist

Posted on 01/04/2024

Boxes Packing

Creating a Moving Day Checklist: Making Your Big Move Stress-Free

The thought of packing up the entirety of your life, saying goodbye to familiar sights and smells, and beginning a new life in an unknown place can be extremely daunting. This fear only intensifies when it's time to move from one house to another. Whether you are relocating across town or across the country, it is essential that you remain organized throughout the entire process. Preparation is key to ensuring a successful move, both physically and mentally which is why creating a moving day checklist should be your first step to a stress-free relocation.

A well thought out checklist will help you stay on top of the important tasks and better manage the anxiety associated with moving. Planning ahead will ensure that you are aware of everything that needs to be packed, transported and unpacked during your move. In this article, we'll provide some helpful tips on how to create a comprehensive moving day checklist that will make your move as smooth as possible.

What To Include On Your Moving Day Checklist
1) Get Packing Supplies
Before you begin packing, make sure you have all the necessary supplies, including cardboard boxes in various sizes, bubble wrap or packing paper for fragile items, permanent markers for labelling, scissors for cutting tape and other items related to storage like storage bins with lids or wardrobe boxes. Having these supplies on hand before starting packing will make the process much easier and less time-consuming.

2) Notify Companies Of Your Move
When relocating your home, it is important to notify relevant companies about your address change, including utility companies like water, gas and electric providers as well as internet service providers. You also need to contact companies associated with any credit cards or bank accounts that need updating along with government organizations such as the post office so they can forward any mail sent to your old address.

3) Pack An 'Essentials Bag'
On moving day itself, pack an "essentials bag" containing items that you'll need right away in your new home, such as toiletries, a change of clothes and medication if needed. Make sure this bag is easily accessible since you won't have time to look for it once everything else has been moved into your new home!

4) Set Up Utilities Ahead of Time
When arriving at your new residence, try setting up utilities ahead of time, so they are ready by the time you arrive. This includes electricity, water and gas services but could also include other services such as cable television or internet access if needed. Contacting providers beforehand will save you lots of hassle later on!

5) Get Help From Friends And Family
Your friends and family can be invaluable resources when planning a move, so don't hesitate to ask them for their help if it's available. If they can lend a hand during the actual move day then that would be even better - they can help carry heavy furniture, transport items or supervise younger children while you finalize the move. Having additional support always makes things much easier!

6) Label Boxes And Furniture Items
Though tedious it is very important that all boxes are clearly labelled before being loaded into the truck on a moving day. A permanent marker should suffice in most cases - try writing down which room each box belongs in along with brief descriptions of its contents, such as kitchenware or books. Marking furniture items with stickers can also help direct movers exactly where each piece goes upon arrival at your new home!
7) Arrange for A Cleaning Service
No matter how careful you were while packing up each room in your former residence, there will always be dirt or dust left behind; not everyone has all the necessary equipment or patience required for a deep cleaning! Hiring a professional cleaning service at least two days prior to moving day is highly recommended - they can take care of those hard-to-reach spots without taking away valuable packing time!

8) Research The Area You Are Moving To
Doing research regarding the area you are moving to will enable you to plan things like doctor visits, schools for kids if applicable or much more efficiently once settled in; don't forget about researching what type of transportation services are available along with local amenities like coffee shops nearby! Knowing what kind of neighbourhood you'll be living in before, actually making the move can also provide some peace of mind during this hectic period!

9) Dispose of Unneeded Items
When going through possessions, decide whether certain belongings are worth taking with you during your move - unnecessary items may be donated/given away or disposed of directly using a waste removal service. Just make sure these items aren't accidentally packed together with valuable belongings without being adequately labelled beforehand!

10) Have Fun During the Process
Last but not least; enjoy yourself throughout this unique experience! Invite friends over and get creative with ideas like transforming empty cardboard boxes into play fortresses for kids - doing something fun during this period can help keep stress levels low particularly on hectic moving days- after all, it shouldn't feel like just another chore!

Moving Into A New Home With Flying Colours
Following this comprehensive moving day checklist should ensure that nothing slips through the cracks - bearing these tips in mind will leave you sufficiently prepared for anything that comes along during this exciting journey ahead! Just remember: organizing beforehand is essential for avoiding chaos later on - sit back and relax knowing that everything has been taken care of properly!

Boxes Packing

Edward Kessell
Edward Kessell

Possessing a wealth of experience in the removals industry, Edward is a seasoned author adept at delivering a plethora of articles across a broad spectrum of removals topics. His adeptness has been instrumental in aiding thousands of individuals in successfully navigating their moves.